What You Will Learn


In this course you will be taken through a simple yet important journey of adhesive testing. By fully understanding the fundamentals of adhesive testing you will learn to:

  • Ask more insightful questions about research
  • Cut through the immense and overwhelming noise of marketing literature
  • Determine how strong dentin really is and what it means for adhesive dentistry
  • Find out how strong dental adhesives can be if proper techniques are used 
  • Implement techniques and critical steps which will raise your game regardless of the adhesive you are using
  • Determine the substantial differences between enamel and dentin bonding 


With this new understanding, you will be better equipped to choose the right restorative path for your patients. Together let’s bridge the gap in understanding between common scientific language of adhesives and practical everyday dentistry.

Published May 13, 2024. Credit valid for three (3) years from Published date.

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Neil Jessop

Senior Vice President of Research and Development at Ultradent Products , Neil Jessop, has worked in Research and Development since 1992. From 1998 to 2002 he worked in the Biomaterials Research lab at Loma Linda University in California. In 2002, he was placed at the head of Ultradent’s Research and Development department. Since then, he has been able to further research by helping to create the strongest and most durable adhesive in dentistry. His work now covers six branches of R&D, encompassing more than 100 employees. He has two amazing daughters and an extremely intelligent and talented wife of over 30 years, who is a practicing dentist.